The shooting stars of the Perseids, known as the “Tears of San Lorenzo”, reached their peak splendor during the night from last Saturday to Sunday, You can see them until next week. This week will also be marked by a Total solar eclipse on August 21stamong othersastronomical phenomena this month.
As detailed by the National Astronomical Observatory (OAN), part of the National Geographic Institute (IGN), the Perseid Shower is a meteor shower (commonly called shooting stars) that occurs around August 12 each year. The Perseids are also popularly referred to as the Perseids “Tears of Saint Lawrence” due to the proximity of the maximum of the meteor shower to August 10, the commemoration of the Spanish martyr of the same name.
Although the best night The observation of the meteors took place in the early morning of August 12-13, the astronomical phenomenon is active between the July 17th and August 24th. Until Thursday the 24th of this month it is therefore still possible to see the last shooting stars of the summer season.
Where to see the meteor shower
To recognize this phenomenon requires a observation siteaway from light pollution and with few obstructions to view (e.g. buildings, trees or mountains). Although the Perseids appear to come from the constellation Perseus (hence their name), experts say they can be seen from anywhere in the sky Focus on the darkest areas, in the opposite direction to the Moon’s position if observed while it is present. Although viewing with a telescope is recommended, they can also be seen transparently clearly visible outside urban centers.
how they arise
About the origin of this phenomenon, the institution informs that comets, describing their orbits around the Sun, throw a trace of it into space gases, dust and dirt (rock material) that remains in an orbit very similar to that of the parent comet.
Thus, each comet forms a ring in which numerous cometary fragments are distributed. When the earth hits one of these rings as it moves around the sun, some of these rock fragments (“meteorites”) are formed. trapped by its gravitational field and fall through the atmosphere at high speed, forming a meteor shower.
In this way, the meteors, which appear bright for a fraction of a second, calcine and vaporize due to friction with atmospheric gases, thus forming so-called shooting stars. The OAN clarifies that it is therefore not a star but a glowing particle of dust.
More meteor showers for 2023
Later in 2023 more meteor showers like the draconids (from October 6th to 10th), the Orionids (from October 2nd to November 7th), the Leonidas (from November 6th to 30th), the Geminids (from December 4th to 17th) and the Ursids (from December 17th to 26th).