Today it was discovered that the Weather app on iOS never shows a temperature of 69 degrees Fahrenheit, which is pretty weird.
This occurs both when viewing the current temperature and when consulting the temperature forecast for the next hours and days.
We might think it’s simply a coincidence that this temperature never occurs, but if we look at the data sources or even the iOS Weather widget, we’ll find temperatures of 69°F. So the explanation had to be elsewhere.
Now a former Apple developer pointed to an explanation that justifies this absence. The Weather app internally uses temperatures in degrees Celsius without decimals and converts these values to Fahrenheit when it needs to display the temperature in this unit.
This explains why the Weather app never shows 69°F, nor does it show many other temperatures that don’t result from converting whole numbers of Celsius temperatures to Fahrenheit.
If you turn on the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit in the weather app, you can see that the only temperatures that appear are those that we can see in the second column of the previous table.
By the way, it seems that Apple was already aware of this flaw, as the iOS 15 beta solves this problem.