Oslo: You may be surprised to learn that turning to a country to urinate may be prohibited, but it is true that in Norway, urinating facing Russia can be fined.
Norway’s northeastern border is with Russia, where a unique signboard has been erected at a popular tourist spot that reads, “Don’t urinate facing Russia.”
These words are written in English on this board and at the same time it is warned that any such act can lead to heavy fines.
The board is located on the banks of the Yakubsleva River, which serves as the border between Norway and Russia.
Don’t pee in the wrong direction. https://t.co/sy2fnv4A3a
– Thomas Nilsen (ilsNilsenThomas) August 26, 2021
Norwegian Border Commissioner Arn Holland has confirmed that the board is located near the village of Greens Yakubslev, saying it was set up to prevent anyone from doing such a bad thing here, because Norway Under UN law, any offensive on the border that targets a neighboring country or its authorities could result in a fine of 3,000 kroner (290 euros).
Hollande said that no matter how natural the urge to urinate, such an offensive act at the border falls within the ambit of the law. However, Russian officials have never made such a complaint.