Health pass: a third of the French support the protest movement

Although this Saturday, August 14, the demonstrations against the health pass brought together about 215,000 people in several cities in France, a survey published by the JDD indicates that about a third of the population continues to be in favor of this movement.

According to the results provided by Ifop to Our colleagues, the French who say they support or show their sympathy for the anti-health pass movement represent 34% of those surveyed.

And according to previous polls conducted on July 27 and 28, and July 21 and 22, support remained about the same, at 33% and 35% respectively.

Looking in more detail, the supporters of two extreme political parties are the most supportive of the movement: 49% for the National Rally and 61% for La France insoumise.

On the side of the opponents of the movement, the “number is also stable” and still includes 50% of the French respondents (a sample of 1,006 people, representative of the French population aged 18 years and over).

However, the health pass is still a big problem for the French, as they are perfectly aware that it divides. And although 60% of them think that this device is “a way to empower those who do not want to be vaccinated”, there are still 68% who consider that the health pass “will create two categories of citizens.”

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