Haut-Rhin: stuck in a car, a young woman of 19 drowns in a pond

A young woman aged 19 drowned this weekend in a pond in Largitzen (Haut-Rhin) after leaving the road.

The victim remained stranded in the passenger compartment of the vehicle, submerged up to the windows, reports France Blue. It was the 22-year-old driver who alerted the emergency services after he managed to get out of the car.

In total, around twenty firefighters, a helicopter, dogs and divers were dispatched to the site. Originally from Altkirch, the passenger was transported in a state of cardio-respiratory arrest to the Mulhouse hospital center.

Unfortunately, despite the care given, she could not be resuscitated. An investigation was opened by the Dannemarie gendarmerie to determine the exact causes and circumstances of his death.

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