Guillem Pujol and Laura Rodríguez, firm in the Nadal Cup

The swimmer of the CN Mataró Guillem Pujol and CN Barcelona swimmer Laura Rodríguez this Saturday they extended their dominance in the Nadal Cup by winning its 112th edition held in the waters of the Port of Barcelona, where 375 swimmers competed, the third best participation in the history of the event.

Guillem Pujol achieved his eighth consecutive victory and thus extended his record of consecutive wins in the Nadal Cup. The Catalan swimmer He is two wins away from equaling Olympic swimmer Dani Serra’s record for victories in the competition with ten.

For Laura Rodríguez, who finished third in the overall race, the victory is her fourth consecutive victory in this test that has dominated since 2018.

Pujol was the first to cross the finish line by covering the 200 meters of the race in a time of 2 minutes and 3 seconds, five less than the Venezuelan from CN Barcelona Andrés Yegres (2 minutes and 8 seconds). The third position went to Gerard Serrano with a time of 2 minutes and 25 seconds.

Laura Rodríguez crossed the finish line ahead of Gerard Serrano with a time of 2 minutes and 22 seconds to win the women’s race. The podium was taken by swimmers from the organizing club, CN Barcelona. Mireia Pradell was second (2 minutes and 27 seconds) and the Venezuelan María Victoria Yegres third (2 minutes and 38 seconds).


Joaquín Conde, from the Camargo Swimming Club, and Amor Mahamud from the Ciudad de Oviedo Swimming Club, won the Christmas Cruise which took place in the Gijon Sports Port over a distance of 220 meters and 163 participants -118 men and 43 women- and with the water temperature at 11 degrees.

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This year’s Christmas Crossing featured two important novelties since, for health safety reasons, the participants went out in batches of 20 instead of all together, which conditioned the second of the novelties since, for the first time, the swimmers also wore a chip chip. timing to set times.

Conde completed the course in 2:47:01 being seconded on the podium by Diego Gutiérrez from Las Anclas (2:52:08) and Diego Díaz from Ciudad de Oviedo (2:54:01) while Amor Mahamud was the fastest Among the women with a time of 3:02:01, and after her Reyes Göpfert from Santa Olaya (3:06:04) and María Fernández Bagués from Manuel Llaneza (3:08:09) qualified.

The event is organized by the Gijón City Council and is the second oldest in Spain after Barcelona, ​​although throughout history it was organized by various clubs and entities.

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