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Genocide in Rwanda: dismissal of the investigation into the responsibility of the French army during the Bisesero massacres

Genocide in Rwanda: dismissal of the investigation into the responsibility of the French army during the Bisesero massacres

Investigating judges in Paris ordered a general dismissal of the investigation into the inaction of the French army during the Bisesero massacres at the end of June 1994, during the genocide of the Tutsi in Rwanda, announced the Paris prosecutor’s office, Wednesday, September 7.

“Lhe judges considered, in accordance with the assessment of the Paris public prosecutor’s office, that theThe elements of the procedure did not establish the direct participation of the French military forces in the abuses committed in the refugee camps, nor any complicity by abstention of the French soldiers on the hills of Biseserodetails the floor in his press release.

In this case, the associations Survie, Ibuka, FIDH and six survivors, civil parties, accused the army and France of “complicity in genocide” for having, according to them, knowingly abandoned for three days the Tutsi civilians who had taken refuge in the hills of Bisesero, in the west of the country, allowing the massacre of hundreds of them to be perpetrated by the genocidaires, from June 27 to 30, 1994.

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