Geert Wilders’ right-wing extremists are proving to be a leading force in the Netherlands for the first time

The earthquake of the extreme right is shaking the Netherlands. Polls showed Geert Wilders’ far-right party would emerge as the political force with the most votes for Dutch public television NOS and public broadcaster RTL 35 seats compared to 17 in 2021then the Social Democrats and the Greens took over Frans Timmermans With 26 seats compared to 17 in 2021, outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte’s Liberals would settle for 23 seats compared to the current 34, and newcomer Pieter Omtzigt’s party would be the fourth force with 20 seats.

A second poll also confirmed Wilder’s victory with 35 seats and slight deviations for the remaining forces in the race. Whoever emerges victorious from the elections has emerged victorious to celebrate the victory, assuring that “no power can ignore us.” Numerous combinations are possible to achieve the parliamentary majority of 76 seats.

Wilders is a well-known leader in the country, but he has never come first in an election. He was convicted in court for his statements against immigration from Morocco and wants to ban mosques and the Koran. Furthermore, he supports a Eurosceptic agenda. In recent days he had stood out in polls that placed him on par with the Liberals. Rutte’s successor, Dilan Yesilgöz Zegeriushad not clearly ruled out a coalition government with them during the election campaign, which led Timmermans to call for the left to mobilize to implement it a cordon sanitaire against the extreme right.

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After the results became known, discouragement spread through the headquarters of the remaining political forces, whose leaders began to show their disappointment. Although Wilders does not ultimately become prime minister, his victory in these elections represents not only a turnaround after 13 years of the Rutte era, but also a serious warning for Brussels ahead of the European Parliament elections in June 2024.All Eurosceptic and Europhobic forces rushed to congratulate Wilders

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Before the polls are known, one of the best candidates for future prime minister is the one who replaced Rutte at the head of the Liberal Party. Is about Dilan Yesilgöz Zegerius, a 46-year-old lawyer and current justice minister. Although he advocates for a reduction in the number of immigrants, he came to the country from Turkey at the age of eight after his father was persecuted in his place of origin and the family ultimately benefited from the reunification policy. The call for these early elections is precisely because of this Disagreements in the outgoing government coalition over regrouping of asylum seekers.

Immigration is a particularly contentious issue in the country. One example is the fact that the Christian Democrat Omtzig and his new party have become a great revelation New social contract. He was born in The Hague in 1974 and has been an MP for 20 years. However, his poor relations with the Christian Democrats began when he rebelled against their political formation over their treatment of him. Institutionalized racism scandal that came to light in 2021.

Within the left-wing forces, former climate commissioner Frans Timmermans, who represents the Socialists and Greens, is the great hope of progressives. In addition to defending the European project, Timmermans is the great antagonist of the Peasants-Citizens Movement, the political party that became the big winner of the regional elections last March and is challenging the environmental policies dictated by Brussels.

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