French champagne exports to Russia may resume

The Interprofessional Committee on Champagne Wine advised producers in early July to temporarily suspend exports to Russia, in reaction to a new law that took effect in the country.

Bubbles will be able to travel again. The Interprofessional Committee for Champagne Wine (CIVC) voted on Friday to resume shipments to Russia from September 15, announced its administration on Saturday, September 11, confirming information from the magazine land of wines. The Committee had advised in early July producers temporarily suspend exports, in reaction to a Russian law signed on July 2 that forces champagne distributors to switch from the prestigious title of “champagne” to “sparkling wine” on the back labels of bottles written in Cyrillic. The name “champanskoye” is reserved for Russian sparkling wine producers.

“The lifting of the export suspension is an appeasement measure that increases our desire not to go to the World Trade Organization. We will comply with the new law.”, Jean-Marie Barillère, co-president of the CIVC and president of the Union des Maisons de Champagne (UMC), told AFP. “It’s also a matter of no longer penalizing Russian customers and consumers as the holiday season approaches.” said the one who continues to defend diplomatic dialogue.

“The champagne industry sells about 1.5 million bottles in the Russian market, or 0.5% of the total market. But it’s an image market where champagne is sold at a very high price.”

Jean-Marie Barillère, Co-Chair of the CIVC

to AFP

The CIVC decided on this survey while Russian authorities have not yet responded, according to him, to a joint letter sent in July by three French ministers, Foreign Trade Minister Franck Riester and Economy Minister Bruno. The Mayor, and Agriculture, Julien Denormandie, to their Russian counterparts. Russia is, along with the United States and Haiti, one of the states that does not recognize the designation of origin (AOC) “champagne”, despite twenty years of discussions.

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