In the very uncertain context of the American withdrawal from Kabul, France could continue its evacuations from Afghanistan “beyond” Friday evening, declared the Secretary of State for European Affairs, Clément Beaune, this Friday.
“It can perhaps go beyond this evening but we must remain cautious on this subject”, he noted on the radio Europe 1.
Hundreds of Afghans to be evacuated
France has planned to complete its operation on Friday evening, a deadline “imposed” by the Americans, Prime Minister Jean Castex said Thursday. A calendar also mentioned Friday morning by the Minister of Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari, who reported the “last flights tonight” on the CNews channel.
But France is still trying to evacuate several hundred Afghans, in a chaotic context after the double attack claimed by the jihadist group Islamic State (IS) which killed dozens of people, including thirteen American soldiers, at the airport on Thursday. from Kabul. “The terrorist attack must not prevent these operations (…) We will continue until the last possible second”, declared Clément Beaune.
An eighth French plane
He hinted, however, that all Afghans at risk who try to leave their country may not be able to do so. “Does that mean that all the people who worked in Afghanistan for allies, for Europeans will be able to leave the airport? Probably not, ”he conceded.
A 13th flight, carrying 260 people including eight French and 252 Afghans, arrived Friday morning at Roissy international airport, near Paris, from Abu Dhabi, the hub of the French airlift between Kabul and Paris, said the government. A 14th flight is expected at the end of the evening with nearly 200 people on board, he added in a statement. In total, more than a hundred French and more than 2,500 Afghans have joined France since the fall of Kabul at the hands of the Taliban on August 15.