Four stars donated 10 lakh Taka as compensation to the Shilpi Sangh fund

Four artists donated the remuneration of a national event to the Performers Sangh Fund for the benefit of the organization. They are Ahsan Habib Nasim, President of the Actors' Association, Raonak Hasan, General Secretary, Saju Khadem, Organization Secretary, and Urmila Srabanti Kar, Legal and Social Affairs Minister.

Each of them has contributed their two and a half lakh rupees to the compensation fund. They were thanked in a statement from the actors' association.

Regarding the payment of 10 lakhs, actor Saju Khadem said that we held an event titled “Bangladesh in your eyes” on December 28. We paid the compensation received from this into the Abhinachili Sangh fund.

Regarding the fund, Saju Khadem said, “This fund is for the welfare and general collaboration of our artists.” To make our Actors' Equity Fund even more successful, deposit the money into the fund.

“We want our fund to be rich.”

In this regard, Abhiniya Shilpi Sangh President Ahsan Habib Nasim said, “We have done this with the aim of setting up a fund.” There are many plans ahead. I will implement them.


Abhinachili Sangh is the largest organization of acting artists in the country. Ahsan Habib Nasim, general secretary for two years, will serve as president this time. And Rawonak Hasan is the general secretary. Many are members of the actors' association, including Riaz-Poornima from the film.

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