Former Afghan minister forced to work abroad as pizza delivery boy

KABUL: A former communications minister who left Afghanistan has been forced to work abroad delivering pizza.

Former Afghan Minister of Communications Syed Ahmad Sadat resigned from the ministry eight months ago and moved to Germany, where he has applied for asylum.

Syed Ahmed Sadat is currently working as a pizza delivery boy in Germany for a living. The former minister delivers pizza to citizens’ homes on bicycles. Recently, an Afghan citizen took a picture of him and shared it on a social networking site, which shocked people.

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It should be noted that Ahmad Shah resigned from the ministry in December 2012 and moved to Germany, where he has applied for asylum.

It should be noted that after the Taliban took control of Kabul, thousands of civilians, former government members and military representatives have left Afghanistan and moved to other countries.

According to US officials, 70,000 Afghans have been evacuated so far, while a spokesman for the Afghan Taliban said about 35,000 had been relocated.


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