What does the creative process look like for someone known for never stopping innovating? We’ll talk to you Flying lotus exactly that.
Steve Ellisonbetter known as Flying Lotus or FlyLois an experimental producer, filmmaker and artist from Los Angeles who is constantly reinventing himself.
In an interview with playground before his appearance at the festival BahidoraIn Mexico, FlyLo spoke to us about the methods he uses (or doesn’t use) when creating art.
“I like to think that I don’t have a creative process. I don’t usually have a defined plan, and if I do, I don’t follow it.”
“It’s about creating,” Flylo continued, and about experimenting freely until something finally comes into being. And when he finds it, he goes in and explores it until he manages to build something.
Flying Lotus is currently using Ableton and various hardware for creating music. But your instruments and tools do not define your sound as an artist.
The tool does not make the artist
FlyLo says that if you change software or tools, only your technical skills will change, but your musicality will always be the same. Your habits will always be the same no matter what program you use. His music always feels like him.
“I’m always trying to do things I haven’t done before, use tools I haven’t used before, just to get out of my own head and start things over.”
Although his musicality remains intact when using different media, FlyLo always tries to sound different. Start with chords you wouldn’t normally play or create rhythms you wouldn’t normally do so you can create from fresh and new perspectives.
And you might think that it would be difficult to find a style while always trying something new, but he says that finding your style is really just about making a few songs.
“Do 500 songs and then you have a style. I think you just have to do it long enough until you start doing it without thinking about it, and then that’s your style.”
Flying Lotus in Bahidorá
The artist is currently working on a sci-fi thriller slated for release in 2024 after working on it for the past three years.
And lately Flylo has been taking inspiration not only from animation, movies and music, but also from the whole UFO issue that’s happening around the world.
This artist will come to Bahidorá in 2024 with one of the best shows of the festival. When asked for a sneak peek of the show, FlyLo announced that it will be an audio-visual experience where we will dance and have fun like never before.
We are ready.