Fashion, cotton, the Oscars and Manterol

Every year, 1.24 billion pairs of jeans (new) are purchased worldwide, so I probably have a 25% chance of guessing what you, reading me, are wearing from the waist down today. Normally, Jeans consist of 76% cotton. Cotton. When I think of cotton, two things usually come to mind. Fond childhood memories associated with cotton candy (obviously named for its shape rather than its composition). Can you imagine wearing edible pants? On the other hand, I always think of the three Oscar-winning film “12 Years a Slave.”

Did you know that it takes an average of 9,800 liters of water to produce just one pair of jeans? And 2,700 liters to make one T-shirt? Actually, Annual cotton production uses more than 200 billion cubic meters of water, which in turn leads to the contamination of 50,000 million cubic meters. And we have not yet added up the energy consumption, the CO2 emissions, the use of toxic chemical dyes or pesticides. Nor will we talk about what goes into the oceans every time we make a frugal gesture like turning on a washing machine. The textile industry isemphasizes Manolín, According to consulting firm McKinsey & Company, it is the sixth largest sector in the world, responsible for 2.1 billion greenhouse gas emissions (greenhouse gases) per year.

If governments around the world have agreed to play a fundamental role in the “sustainability” of the world’s most polluting industries, such as transport, energy or agriculture, why not go beyond the textile industry? Does it make sense to force me to exchange my car for more eco-efficient commercial vehicles and shower the industry with billions in government aid? Would a RENOVE clothing company with more sustainable and efficient clothing make sense? Can I re-register my cotton underpants purchased for “10 euros per finger” for some Ecogallumbos made from recycled microplastics collected on the coasts of Galicia? Our houses, our cars, even our food pass more and more tests and are subject to more and more efficiency labels. And our clothes? The basic and inalienable needs of every human being are to eat, sleep, dress and move. The textile industry is the only “self-regulated” industry. Although I also suspect that putting stamps on clothing takes us to a very dark time in our history.

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In the state of New York (USA), a law on sustainability and social responsibility in the fashion industry is currently being debated This would affect the most important companies. This is also happening in a climate in which the largest corporations in the sector are coming under increasing scrutiny for their complicity in the proliferation of modern slavery in supply chains and the escalation of environmental destruction.

Does it make sense for Spain to produce the most important electric cars in the sector for brands such as Seat, Mercedes, Mitsubishi, Citroën, Renault, Peugeot, Opel or Ford – our country has a ridiculous weight in the sector – and we are not able to do it? to make our own surgical masks and be one of the world champions in the textile sector? Why do factories have to be relocated? Who remotely benefits from this? It benefits neither the Asian minor who works for a few dollars a month nor the consumer who uses those few dollars to buy a shirt that he will probably wear less than a dozen times.

One of the textiles I’m most proud of is one of those blankets that feel so comfortable, are super warm, but at the same time weigh less than ten hundred pounds. When I saw the price (300€) I almost fainted, but when the good saleswoman at El Corte Inglés told me about it and I asked her why it was so expensive, she reasoned with it “This blanket is good, it’s from Manterol, Manterol.” I went home happy and proud, thinking I had acquired a blanket made from a type of fiber obtained from the skin of a hunted albino unicorn while it was drinking in a pond in Zamora at dawn, which would explain the reason for the price . After a few months, I learned to my surprise that Manterol is a brand made in Spain, originally from Ontinyent (Valencia) and in its statement of intent on its website it says: Manterol is a group of companies consisting of a professional team present in the three phases of the value chain; Manufacturing, marketing to B2B and distribution to B2C of home textiles”.

Anyway, good morning, good afternoon, good night and Manterol to everyone.

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