Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen has been a part of the headlines for the past few days. She recently announced her relationship with Lalit Modi. After which she became part of the discussion. Lalit Modi shared romantic photos with Sushmita. Since then, Sushmita has been trolled. At the same time, many people came out in support of her. Now, after traveling, Sushmita is back home. Ella sushmita has received many gifts when she comes home, which she is very happy to receive. Sushmita has shared the image of this fan gift on social media.
Sushmita Sen is back home after a long vacation. Returning home, she has to see the love of the fans for her. She has shared a note from one of her fans. Along with this, thank you all.
Sharing an image of a note, Sushmita wrote: ‘I have returned home after traveling for almost a month. Returning home, I have received gifts and notes from supporters around the world. I want to tell everyone that I feel loved. I always knew that kindness exists. I love you guys.’
Sushmita has shared a photo of her living room. It is written in this note: ‘Dear Mrs. Sushmita Sen, every time I have to smile, I know what to do. I just close my eyes and think of you. Just thinking of you brings a big smile to my face. You mean a lot to me.
Sushmita was heavily trolled on social media after the announcement of her relationship with Lalit Modi. After which, the actress gave a proper response to those who were trolling her by sharing a post. The trolls called it the Gold Digger. After which the actress gave a fitting answer. He had said: Calling Gold Digger clearly shows her low-mindedness. Apart from these insignificant people, I have the full support of my supporters and family. Because I am like the sun that will shine eternally for your existence and consciousness.