Bollywood actor Jaaved Jaaferi is known for his comedic timing as well as his acting prowess. Javed’s son Meezaan has entered Bollywood but his daughter is still not in Bollywood. Javed Jaffrey’s daughter Alaviaa Jaaferi is yet to make her Bollywood debut but is quite popular on social media. Alavia remains very active on social media and continues to share her vlogs.
Alavia recently shared a vlog where she discussed her lip and undereye fillers. He told fans all the details about it. After that, the fans were quite impressed and praised Alaviya.
Alavia shared in his video that he got lip fillers for the first time in June 2019. Back then she was in college and wanted her lips to look a little bigger. She then had her eyes filled in in December 2019 as her dark circles were clearly visible.
Alavia said she was very scared when she had her lip fillings done because it took a month for her swelling to go away. He had this treatment carried out abroad. He also advised fans not to keep having fillings done because then they would become too visible. Alavia said she doesn’t understand why her friends are hiding the fact that they have pens.
This video by Alaviya goes viral. Fans often comment on the video. One wrote: “It’s great to see celebrities telling the truth about their surgery.” While one wrote – it’s so good you’ve talked about it. Much love.