Eight tourists killed in highway accident in Hungary

Eight tourists were killed in the early hours of Sunday in a bus accident in Hungary, police said on their website.

The vehicle, which was carrying 54 passengers, was returning from Croatia when around 4:55 am (02:55 GMT) the piloting of a viaduct overlooking the highway, 70 km southwest of Budapest, according to the same source.

Eight other people were seriously injured, one of them life-threatening and 40 more minor, the MTI news agency reported. They were evacuated to hospitals in the region and the capital. At this time, no details have been provided on the age of the victims, all Hungarian nationals. But the bus operator said that no children or teenagers had died in the tragedy.

The driver was killed instantly, a travel agency employee said, on condition of anonymity.

Fatigue, malaise or technical problem: the first elements collected by the investigators did not allow to determine the cause of the accident, declared a police spokesman, and experts will be called. According to images released by the emergency services on the social network Facebook, the vehicle overturned in the ditch.

Firefighters quickly intervened to evacuate the bloodied passengers, stranded in the gutted car, as the seats were thrown away under the violence of the scare.

“They were returning from a day trip to Croatia,” testified a motorist present at the scene of the accident, questioned by the information site Index.hu. “When we saw what happened, we were the first to stop to help rescue them,” he said, describing a “terrible scene.”

Prime Minister Viktor Orban and Family Minister Katalin Novak sent their “deepest condolences to the families of the victims” and called for caution on the roads, in two separate messages posted on Facebook.

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Among the last serious traffic accidents in Hungary, 33 people were killed in 2003 in a collision between a train and a German tourist bus in Siofok, a coastal city 100 km southwest of Budapest, on the shores of Lake Balaton, in one of the most tourist regions of the country.

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