Donald Trump will win in Nevada without taking part in the internal elections

The face of the former president Donald Trump will not be on the ballot for the Republican primaries that will take place this Tuesday in the state of Nevada. Nevertheless, he is already guaranteed the nomination in this area for the presidential elections in the United States.

Your rival Nikki Haleythe leading Republican candidate registered in this election, She must win the primary since she is the only major candidate on the ballot. But his party decided in advance to ignore the election resultsand that it will only accept as valid the remainder of a caucus – an electoral meeting – that takes place on Thursday.

The confusing system is the result of recent changes in this western state, which tried to move from caucuses to primaries. However, Republicans refused to accept the change and will now hold both trials.

In Nevada, Trump is the only major candidate in the caucus. This is because the Republican Party decided that anyone who participates in the primary cannot register for the caucus, which eliminated Haley even before the race began.

Although the format can vary, caucuses are generally meetings held in common areas where voters attend in person, listen to contributions from candidates’ representatives, and cast their votes in a box that is manually counted.

When those votes are tallied, the former president, who lost his bid for re-election in 2020, will gain an additional 26 delegates to the Republican convention in July that will decide the nomination, and the process will be completed without further ado. Emotion.

“It doesn’t matter what happens”

“It doesn’t really matter what happens … because people aren’t paying as much attention,” said Peter Loge of George Washington University.

If Americans were asked what will happen in Nevada this week, the unanimous answer would be the Super Bowl.

Sunday’s American football final between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers will undoubtedly be the most televised event of the year.

Championship aside, it’s easy to see why there’s no interest when the candidates are all but certain.

Amid the confusion of having a primary for both Republicans and Democrats and then a Republican-only caucus, simple results are undoubtedly expected: Trump and President Joe Biden, the Democrats’ undisputed favorite.

Previously, both parties in Nevada held caucuses to choose their presidential candidates, but regional lawmakers in 2021 introduced primaries that allow absentee and absentee voting.

The Trumpist arm of the Republican Party in Nevada, as in other states, opposes mail-in voting because it sees it, without argument, as vulnerable to fraud. For them, personal voting is the only insurance.

Perhaps it is no coincidence that this format benefits Trumpsaid Daniel Lee from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

“Those who come to the caucus are the candidate’s supporters who are really enthusiastic,” he told AFP. “They are the ones who take the time to do this.”

“And that’s exactly the kind of supporters Trump has,” he concluded.

This has led some voters to claim it is a fake.

“There is no point in attending the caucus. I can’t vote for my candidate,” said Charles Fruit, who supports the Las Vegas Review Journal.

“You’re basically disenfranchising me. And that’s what my own Republican Party is doing. I’m very unhappy about it,” he said.

The results of Tuesday’s primary election were expected to be announced around 7:00 p.m. local time on Tuesday (03:00 GMT on Wednesday).

The Nevada Republican Party said on its website that the caucus results will be announced Thursday.


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