Do you know how much is the salary and perks of Mukesh Ambani’s driver?

Indian businessman Mukesh Ambani is one of the richest people in the world, knowing how much salary and benefits he gives to his drivers will leave your eyes wide open.

According to Indian media, 65-year-old Mukesh Ambani, the owner of the Indian company Reliance Industries, is the tenth richest person in the world and the richest businessman in Asia, whose assets are currently worth around 85 billion dollars.

The businessman Mukesh Ambani, who is one of the richest people in the world, is not only rich in terms of wealth, but also rich in heart, which is evidenced by the fact that he pays his drivers and guards such a salary that even the managers of big companies do not get. find

The report revealed that business tycoon Mukesh Ambani’s drivers are skilled in driving the world’s best and latest bulletproof vehicles and the salary of a driver was Rs 2 lakh per month even 6 years ago. It can be estimated how much their driver’s salary will be at that time.

However, being an Ambani chauffeur is not for every driver as the drivers of the Ambani family are recruited through private contracting firms and these drivers have to undergo rigorous training to maintain the lavish lifestyle of the billionaire family. Is.

According to Indian media reports, not only Ambani’s drivers, but also employees ranging from cooks, guards and housekeeping staff are provided with salary as well as education allowance and insurance for children.

According to Indian media reports, the children of some of Mukesh Ambani’s servants have even gone to study in America.

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It should be noted that Mukesh Ambani also actively participates in charity work and has the reputation of being a good boss to his employees.

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