DIRECT – Afghanistan: The United States carried out a drone strike against an “organizer” of the Islamic State

Afghanistan fell to the Taliban just over a week ago. While many countries are organizing the evacuation of its nationals but also of Afghans threatened or having worked for them, a double attack struck Kabul airport. Follow the news of the country live, minute after minute.


The United States carried out a drone strike against a target of the Islamic State group in Afghanistan on Saturday, as the airlift entered a final phase of extreme tension, between persistent risks of new attacks and the passage of Taliban media weapons / Americans about the airport.

“The unmanned airstrike occurred in Nangarhar province in Afghanistan. According to the first indications, we killed the target “, specified in a statement Bill Urban, of the central command, saying not to have knowledge” of no civilian victims “.

The strike, the first by the United States army since the attack on Thursday at Kabul airport which killed at least 85 people including 13 American soldiers, was launched from outside Afghanistan.

After the attack claimed by ISIS in Khorasan (IS-K), President Joe Biden promised retaliation.


France ended its airlift on Friday evening to evacuate Afghans threatened by the Taliban from Kabul to Paris, announced the Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly.

“Operation Apagan, launched on August 15 at the request of the President of the Republic, ended this evening”, she tweeted, specifying that “nearly 3,000 people, including more than 2,600 Afghans” had thus been sheltered.

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