Khushi Kapoor, daughter of producer Boney Kapoor and younger sister of Janhvi Kapoor, will be entering the world of cinema very soon. She is going to debut with the movie The Archies. Now Boney Kapoor has spoken openly about her youngest daughter Khushi Kapoor and her acting career plan. She says that she never thought that Khushi Kapoor wanted to become an actress.
During the interview with ETimes, Boney Kapoor said that when his wife Sridevi passed away, Khushi Kapoor was 16 years old at the time. He further said that at that moment both of them had no hope of happiness. Maybe Ella Khushi wants to become an actress, but we don’t think so at all. As parents, we were just busy making sure she studied well and completed her studies.
It is known that Khushi Kapoor is going to debut with ‘The Archies’. This movie is also special because Shah Rukh Khan’s daughter Suhana Khan is also starting her career with it. At the same time, Amitabh Bachchan’s grandson Agastya Nanda is also a part of this film. The director of the film is Zoya Akhtar. This movie will stream on Netflix.
Talking about Janhvi Kapoor’s work front, she will soon be making her South Cinema debut with Superstar Junior NTR film Devra. The name of this film was previously ‘NTR 30’ which has now been changed to ‘Devra’. Apart from this, Jhanvi Kapoor has movies like ‘Mr. and Mrs. Mahi’ and ‘Bawal’, which will hit theaters one after the other.