After 14 hours spread over flights and stopovers until reaching Saudi Arabia, logic would suggest that it was time to rest. Nothing could be further from the truth. The next mission was to start organizing the small details that were missing to function decently in the camp. One of them was get a sim card to communicate and for this, the organization set up an office inside the Sea Camp with a scheduled opening at 12 noon. It was strange to see a queue two hours before, but soon after it all made sense. The members of the teams, the press, the organization… accumulated at the door of an office where some numbers, in pure collegiate style, determined your order of entry to a ‘shop’ where punctuality never existed.
Yes impatience did and the need to go out and look for the city of Yanbu (located an hour and a half away) another of the branches to be able to get hold of one of those cards. On this occasion we found the door open, but an office with nine workstations had only two operative people for whom their priority was to respect prayer hours. We experienced it journalists and other members of various teams who sought a fast track, which ended up consuming the time of a working day. And although it might seem otherwise, we can feel lucky. After eight hours, there were those who were not lucky enough to see 4G marked on their phone screens and what at first seemed like a premature move to tell them about the rally, has ended up giving us the necessary time to be able to do it. This is the Dakar…