Title: McGregor’s Return to UFC on Track after Injury Recovery, Confirms Possible 2024 Date
The UFC career of Conor McGregor is back under the spotlight, as negotiations with Michael Chandler are underway. The Irish fighter’s return, which was previously cancelled due to his toe injury, seems to be back on the path to realization.
McGregor Appears to Have Recovered from Injuries
McGregor announced that he has partially recovered from his toe injury, which forced him to miss his scheduled fight last month. Discussions for a new date are underway.
New Date in 2024 Announced by McGregor
Recently, McGregor revealed on Twitter that he spoke with Dana White and confirmed that everything is going according to plan for a new fight date in 2024.
McGregor’s Schedule this Week and Future Plans
In addition to attending the Bare Knuckle event on October 12 in Spain, McGregor, who celebrates his birthday today, will speak about his future plans.