Cinema: in Deauville, Oliver Stone is haunted by the assassination of Kennedy
At the Deauville American Film Festival (Calvados), the red carpet was trodden by director Oliver Stone. After his 1991 film dedicated to John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the latter presents a documentary that attempts to prove that the CIA ordered his assassination.
Its massive silhouette immediately imposes. But even more than its looks, it is its reputation that impresses. Oliver Stone is the scratchy, preventing him from going around in circles in an America whose faults he has denounced for more than 30 years. At the Deauville festival (Calvados), he came to present his new documentary which plunges us, once again, into an investigation around the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy in 1963. Released in 1991, his feature film devoted to the affair was controversial, he there defended the thesis of a coup d’état involving the CIA.
Shadow areas
Thirty years later, he has not changed his mind, based on numerous declassified documents. Relying on 60,000 of them, Oliver Stone, for example, returns to the inconsistencies of the autopsy, the links between Oswald, the alleged assassin, and the CIA. He questions the presence of a “magic bullet”, which would be the cause single-handedly of seven wounds on the president and the governor of Texas sitting in front of him. A theory advanced by the official investigation to dispel the hypothesis of a second shooter. “Hope this documentary helps Kennedy, because his ghost has not been avenged“, slips Oliver Stone.