Colombians are preparing for the New Year and that is why many are wondering what holidays Colombia will have in 2024 to make their plans.
Colombia It is known for being one of the countries in the world with the most public holidays at 18 days, according to the World Population Review portal.
But the year 2024 will bring bad news for many, as there will be two fewer holidays this year than in 2023. In addition, there will be three fewer long weekends in the country compared to the end of the year.
Of these holidays, 11 fall on a Monday, 3 on a Wednesday and two others on a Saturday and a Sunday; Therefore, many people can now plan trips and even go on vacation.
In this way the public holidays This will allow authorities and citizens to make up for their so-called festive long weekends.
These rest days, known as “bridges,” were created by those we knew Emiliani law. This 1983 law allowed authorities to move certain holidays to Mondays to encourage more days off and boost tourism.
These will be the holidays of 2024 in Colombia
-1. January: New Year (Monday)
-8th. January: Epiphany (Monday)
-25. March: Saint Joseph’s Day (Monday)
-28. March: holy Thursday
-29. March: Good Friday
-1. May: Labor Day (Wednesday)
-13. May: Ascension Day (Monday)
-3. June: Corpus Christi (Monday)
-10. June: Sacred Heart Day (Monday)
-1. July: Peter and Paul Day (Monday)
-20. July: Colombian Independence Day (Saturday)
-7. August: Battle of Boyacá (Wednesday)
-19. August: Assumption of Mary (Monday)
-14. October: Columbus Day (Monday)
-4. November: All Saints Day (Monday) -11. November: Cartagena Independence Day (Monday) –December 8th: Immaculate Conception (Sunday) -25. December: Christmas (Wednesday)

Colombia will have 18 public holidays in 2024.
The holidays have sparked a broad debate for and against. Some industries consider them to be good for employees to have more time for rest and relaxation.
However, many others assure that these holidays have an impact on the productivity of the country and companies.
Although Colombia is one of the top 10 countries in the world with the most public holidays, the number of days is not comparable to the number there Nepal where they rest for 39 additional days a year Myanmar And Iran where they have 32 and 26 holidays respectively.
Furthermore, we must remember that the year 2024 will be a year Leap year and therefore there will be 366 days in the calendar; So the month of February gets an additional day (29 days).
Which Latin American countries have the most holidays?
The days public holidays They are officially recognized by states and follow the laws of each country, taking into account the declaration of their civil and religious days.
The list of Latin American countries with the most public holidays is topped by Venezuelasince its citizens will have 25 public holidays in 2024.
Appears second Colombia with 18 days, followed by chili with 17 public holidays. Argentina And Peru You will enjoy 15 days of peace; while Uruguay will have 13, Ecuador (eleven), Brazil (9) and Mexico (8th)
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