Cyberpunk 2077: CD Projekt RED publishes bug report and promises refund

Last Thursday (10), the public was “honored” with the launch of the long-awaited Cyberpunk 2077 game, allowing fans, after seven years of waiting, to take advantage of all the improvements that caused postponements of availability this year and ended up making the hype even bigger.


However, going against everything he promised, many players ended up feeling cheated when having access to the game, since many ended up finding bugs of the most varied types, as well as difficulties even to run the title on compatible consoles, where the CD did not run or simply the characters were graphically inferior than expected.

In order to reduce the revolt of players who dedicated a considerable investment to buy the title while still pre-selling, the developer CD Projekt RED released a note in which it apologizes to gamers, as well as promising to make modifications in order to remove the bugs and allowing a ease of repayment.

In the shared publication on Twitter, the company makes it clear that in the coming months some patch patches will be released, in addition to what was already made available a few days ago, where version 1.04 adjusted problems in the missions, which were occurring on the PS4 and Xbox consoles. One.

With that, it will be possible to get back the money invested in the purchase of the game, in case the player is not willing to wait for the promised improvements for the next year, being possible to request the refund directly to Sony and Microsoft. Now, just wait to see what will be done by each buyer and whether the promised improvements will actually be delivered to gamers.

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