Cardano launches AI chatbot and competes with ChatGPT

Cardano (ADA) brings the world of blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence, moving a little closer together with the introduction of our own “Internet-generative” chatbot. It marks an important step in Cardano’s journey into AI.

Cardano’s AI chatbot

Cardano GPT, a project focused on developing AI-driven solutions on the Cardano blockchain, announced the beta launch of its chatbot “Girolamo” on November 24th.

Giroloma is named after the famous Italian mathematician and physician Girolamo Cardano, whose groundbreaking work laid the foundation for probability and binomial expansion.

The chatbot is intended to provide answers to a wide range of questions, including both industry-specific and general everyday questions. Giroloma claims to be a chatbot that is “not only highly intelligent, but also intuitive and user-friendly.” Girolamo is designed to “seamlessly provide real-time, accurate and contextual answers to user questions and tasks.”

The special thing about Giroloma is that users can also use the chatbot to generate and interpret images.

To test the beta version you need at least 5,000 CardanoGPT (CGI) tokens. CGI is the unique crypto of the AI ​​project. After verifying your wallet on the CardanoGPT Discord server, you can interact with Giroloma.

CardanoGTP issued a disclaimer with the announcement and confirmed that the accuracy of the information provided cannot be guaranteed 100 percent.

Development of AI technology on Cardano

In the announcement, Cardano GTP writes that the launch of Girolamo is just the beginning of the application of AI to Cardano:

“Girolamo’s beta launch is just the beginning as we are committed to continued innovation, research and development to ensure CardanoGPT is well positioned and remains at the forefront of AI technology in the blockchain space.”

Cardano’s first AI integration came in 2021 with Grace, an AI robot designed for healthcare applications. Grace was developed by Awakening Health, a joint venture between Hanson Robotics and SingularityNET, Cardano’s blockchain partner.

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