Nathalie Levy’s debut as a voice-over for “En aparté” will be available on September 16, at 8:30 pm, on Canal +. With as first guest Kad Merad, the godfather of the show.
Launched in September 2001 on Canal +, En aparté had made the heyday of the encrypted channel until June 2007, carried by the warm voice of Pascale Clark. Here she is back 14 years later with the vocal cords of journalist Nathalie Levy, a journalist who previously worked for BFM and France 5. The program is set up, unencrypted, daily on Canal +, from Monday to Friday at 8:30 p.m. ( except on football days, editor’s note). Several guests are already scheduled to follow Kad Merad, including Julie Delpy, Josianne Balasko, Laurent Lafitte or the singer Soprano.
We welcome Nathalie Levy to the Canal + family for a showcase show, #As an aside. @KadMerad will be the sponsor of the first show.
There will also be Julie Delpy, Josiane Balasko, Laurent Laffite, Soprano, etc.
RV for the first Thursday September 16
– CANAL + Group (@canalplusgroupe) August 31, 2021
Viewers will rediscover the ingredients that made En aparté so successful, with a guest taking a seat on a set installed in an apartment, and who will maintain a dialogue with the voice of his host to address specific moments of his career, his life, or comment on the news.