Can Delta Corona be dangerous for children?

According to a recent study conducted in the United States by the international website, the delta type of coronavirus can be as contagious in children as it is in adults.

According to data from the Children’s Hospital Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, the spread of the delta in the United States has also increased the rate of cod in children.

According to the data, between July 22 and 29, more than 71,000 code cases were reported in children under 18 years of age, one in five new cases in children or adolescents.

Doctors and nurses at Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital said, “For the past few weeks we have been very busy caring for sick children.

However, reports on the severity of the disease in children have been mixed.

According to US state data, the hospitalization rate for children infected with the code is the same as during the previous outbreak, 0.1 to 1.9 percent.

Angela Green, vice president of Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, said that although there has been an increase in the total number of cases, the hospital admissions rate for Code is the same as before.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, this time it seems that the severity of the disease is less common in children than in Code 19.

According to Dr. Nick Hashimt, medical director at Lee Bone Heuer Children’s Hospital in Memphis, in the past, children were generally diagnosed with cod during treatment for another medical problem.

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