Buscoresi reaches 100 residences, 20% of the places in Spain and exceeds 500,000 users in 2022

The house as a service (HaaS) Buscoresi, called the “booking” either “airbnb” of students has closed 2022 with results that exceed the strategic expectations set by its founders: they reach a partnership with 100 residences and exceed half a million users in what is already the main platform for booking and contracting places in residences for Spanish and foreign students who come to study.

This course has served to create new associations with around 20 universities and colleges, in addition to, in parallel, establishing collaborations with a multitude of academic institutions and youth information points throughout Spain.

In this first year of life buscoresi It has gone from managing no beds or residential rooms to having more than 22,500 beds on its platform, which represents almost 20% of the total number of beds available throughout the country (around 120,000). According to Aitor Rodríguez (24 years old), co-founder of Buscoresi, “2022 has been a proof of concept to validate the market need, which has been extremely positive both by residence halls and by students. 2023 will be the year where we will begin to apply the learning to take the business to a larger scale”.

Located throughout Spain, and providing this service to nationals and foreigners, this growth leads the platform to start a strategic internationalization process at the European level, since the demand for foreign and Spanish students who take Erasmus or other modalities is increasingly higher.

This demand is seeing in Buscoresi the only platform that offers this service, since one of the main problems in the sector is the lack of digitization and traditional uses that hinder any type of reservation of places in residences.

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