Brutal torture of American police on Muslim youth, video goes viral

Illinois: Another incident of police brutality has come to light in the US state of Illinois, three police officers caught a Muslim boy and brutally beat him and seriously injured him.

According to the details, on Wednesday in Oak Lawn, Illinois, police officials brutally tortured a Muslim youth, 17-year-old Hadi Abu Atila was thrown upside down on the ground and beaten by 3 officers.

A passerby took a video of the incident, which has gone viral, in which the officers can be seen brutally punching the Muslim boy as he lay him on the ground.

When the video of the torture went viral, the police explained that Hadi had a gun, and Hadi was taken to the hospital with injuries.

Muslim organizations have become full protest against the incident of brutal police violence.

At a press conference on July 28, Oak Lawn police said they stopped a car driving without a license plate, smelling marijuana inside, and asked the driver to get out of the car. He complied, but Abu Atila, who was in the car, allegedly fled.

Abu Atila is a high school senior in Bridgeview, Illinois, who is training to be a barber, according to Zaid Abdullah, a lawyer for Hadi, a Muslim boy, according to Newsweek.

Abdullah said he was trying to find out if his client had a gun at the time of the incident, but it was clear Hadi was not pointing a gun at anyone.

The Oak Lawn Police Department says an internal investigation into Wednesday’s incident is underway.

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