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The distance between Shariful Raj and Parimani ends. The next day comes new news, news of destruction, news of fighting. However, Raj dismissed this news, telling Parimoni that he was fine. Not only said, but said that there was no trouble between them

Raj recently told a media outlet.

Raj said, “Me and Parimoni are fine.” There is no problem between us. He had a fever. Healthy now.
“We are currently in Bashundhara’s house together.”

At that time, he expressed his regret and said, “What didn’t happen to me was spread.” That’s very sad. When I hear and see this, I suffer.

Whenever something happens between me and Pari, every time I try to fix it, a problem arises. I’m very upset about that.’

On Raj’s return, Parimoni previously said, “The father of the son has returned to his son.” Everyone is praying for my kingdom. She forgot us all because of the smile on her face.

Due to tensions in their marriage, Raj and Parimoni have been separated for three months. To mark the first birthday of the couple’s child, Rajya, Raj was not seen attending an event at a five-star hotel in the capital on August 10. However, the night before he visited his son. When Raj went home that day, Parimoni went into the next room and closed the door. He was even reluctant to see the king’s face.

Meanwhile, two heads of Gun Bangla channel Kaushik Hossain Tapas and Farzana Munni cut a cake in their office last week to celebrate the birthday of Rajya’s son Rajya. There Raj and Parir met, they also took photos together. Many people shared the picture on social media, wishing the couple a happy reunion.

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