A massive brawl broke out at a festival in Florida over the weekend. Police and prosecutors are now investigating.
The fight happened in Sarandí Grande early Sunday morning. One young person got hurt with a broken jaw. Plus, the windows of a nearby hospital got damaged.
The “Bienvenida alegría” event was put on by the city, along with local groups. Over 2,500 young people showed up. But around 4 am, things turned ugly.
The mayor, Cayetano Stopingi, said the event was mostly peaceful. “We had nine hours and fifty-five minutes of fun, and just five minutes of violence,” he said. “A small group of troublemakers caused the problem.”
The mayor visited the injured young person right away. “The big issue is violence,” he said. “And the hate messages on social media that can make things worse.”
He wants people to keep having events where they can have fun. “We won’t let a tiny group of troublemakers ruin it for everyone else,” he said. “99.5% of people came to enjoy themselves, and we’ll keep making sure they can do that.”