Bollywood star Salman Khan survives snakebite

Bollywood star Salman Khan, 56, famous in India, told reporters on Monday that he was bitten twice by a snake he was trying to kick out of his country house near Mumbai.

Armed with a stick, "I took the snake carefully and pulled it out. Then he curled up (on the stick), started to climb, and bit me. The villagers started shouting ‘hospital, hospital, hospital’ (…) There was a lot of commotion, the snake was a bit poisonous, and it bit me again"explained the Indian actor.

Once in the hospital, he received an antivenom serum, before being observed and discharged after six hours.

Although controversial, Khan is one of the biggest Bollywood celebrities. He was convicted of the death of a homeless man run over by his car in 2002, but was later acquitted.

As he explained, the snake that bit him was released into the jungle.

India recorded some 58,000 snakebite-related deaths a year – or 160 a day – between 2000 and 2019, according to a study published last year.


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