There is great news for Royal Challengers Bangalore ahead of IPL 2024. In fact, the team’s star batsman Rajat Patidar has started training after a long break of around seven months. Patidar got injured before IPL 2023 due to which he could not take part in IPL-16. However, he has now returned to the field, which is good news for RCB.
Patidar shared a video on social media in which he is seen as Throwdown Specialist. Apart from that, he also faced spinners. He expressed his feelings about his comeback with the caption of this video. He said it felt good to be back and have the bat in his hand. Patidar is an important player for RCB. In the video shared, he was seen in a good mood.
In the comment section of the video shared on social media, fans were very excited about Patidar’s return. One user commented and wrote, “Waiting to see you in RCB jersey.” Another user wrote, “Come back to RCB soon.”
Another user wrote, “Good to see you in the nets.” While expressing his excitement for the next season, a user wrote, “Rajat, it felt great to see the bat in your hand.” I can’t wait to see you in RCB next year and in Team India as soon as possible.”
Rajat Patidar, who made his IPL debut in 2021, has played 12 matches so far. He batted in 11 innings of these games and scored 404 runs at an average of 40.4 and a strike rate of 144.29. During this period he has scored 1 century and 2 half-centuries.