Benítez 2022 Chinese Horoscope Predictions

This week I guess the future. I also read the coffee grounds and I even make translations to mate for you. But today I will tell you how the hand comes in next year according to the Benitez Chinese Horoscope, Because it’s trendy. If you don’t understand a knob of what I’m saying, don’t worry, neither do I. But let me at least try.

According to the approach Chino Tapia and Chino Garcé of the universe, in a few days we will be ruled by the sign of the Gareca Water Tiger. What will be a continuity of the year of Wooden Arbarello Dog that is ending without pain or glory.

As for Argentine soccer, I predict that it will be a good year for Román Riquelme -the Topo Gigio de Tierra- and for Marcelo Gallardo -Gallina de Fuego-. I see them raising glasses, I don’t know if it’s made of gold or Fernet with Coca.

I leave you one more advance: there is no good omen for Marcelo Tinelli, who is Arturo Metal Bear. He must overcome two obstacles that paralyze him: leaders who want to turn him into the League and supporters of San Lorenzo who last Sunday remembered his family. Cabezón, I recommend you cut this negative cycle with the same emphasis with which you cut the skirts of your dancers, in times of your television patriarchy. Cool.

And now we go with the predictions for the rest of the signs:

If you are Navarro Montoya Rubber Eva Jumpsuit, attenti that you are going to meet again with a being that you did not see a long time ago: the collector of the club fee, pay him once, che!

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On the other hand, if you are Fillol Plywood Duck, distrust who smiles at you. Maybe it’s just an emoticon.

If you are Donkey Ortega of Recycled PaperBe careful with finances. Your economy falters. The only thing you can save is time.

Attention if you are Glacé Paper Saviola Bunny. Love is going to knock on your door, but just at that moment you are going to be in the supermarket on the corner buying a prepizza. Average stack!

If you are Funes Mint Slush Buffalo And your calls for attention fall on deaf ears, change your tactic. Or sack.

And if you are Gata Fernández from Pressed Cardboard and you think that life puts you before a dilemma, relax and think that it is only a sudoku puzzle and the solution is on the last page.

The last. What are you for? Sessa Chipboard Cat: Light up your life. Take advantage of the fact that the Edesur bill comes with a subsidy from the National State.


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