The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has been seeking applications to become the Official Media Partner. BCCI has decided to auction after completing the application process. In fact, an auction for BCCI’s media rights has been held in the past. Sports-18 won this auction. BCCI’s television and digital media rights were won by Sports-18. Previously, BCCI’s television and digital media rights were owned by Star Sports Network.
However, BCCI has now issued a press release. According to this press release, BCCI is looking for an official partner. Interested brands can apply online for this. However, BCCI has set some conditions for this. If a brand is interested in becoming an official partner of BCCI, they have to pay 100,000 rupees along with the first application. Apart from that, a total of Rs. 1,000,000 must be paid along with 18,000 GST.
— BCCI (@BCCI) September 1, 2023
1- This brand should not be associated with alcohol.
2- It should have nothing to do with betting.
3- The brand should not be related to cryptocurrency.
4- It should not be related to any tobacco product.
5- Apart from that, it should not be a bank, financial services company or non-bank financial company.
6- This mark should not contain anything that hurts people’s feelings. Apart from that, the respective mark is in some way related to pornography.