Mario Balotelli returns to the center of controversy. The one who was international with Italy emerged uninjured from a serious car accident in Bresciaeven though he left the vehicle.”graduation“.
As the “ANSA Agency” and “Sky” report, police sources assure this Adana Demirspor’s currently injured Turkish player ‘refused to take a breathalyzer test’ after a serious accident. He left the street in Brescia around 8:30 p.m. and His Audi Q8 was thrown against a wall for “reasons that are still unclear.”.
Balotelli has arrived in Brescia, fortunately he is not there yet. #balotelli #Mariobalotelli #brescia @TheSportsWear
— TheStreetWear (@Run4Food_Italia) November 23, 2023
Balotelli”He came out of the hut unharmed, but staggered and even fell to the ground. All airbags in the car deployed.“. The behavior of the controversial footballer, who was quickly treated by the emergency services, will be punished as if he had tested positive beyond the permissible limits.
The Adana Demirspor player was brought home by his brother Enock Barwuahwho came back from training with the Eccellenza team (Rovato) and several friends.