“Bad parents”, good Dominican comedy

The chercha likes He tires when he abuses her. Abuse of her can lead to joking, inconsideration and lack of respect. I have always criticized the so-called “Dominican comedy” for its desire to resort to chercha in search of audiences. I am sorry for a country that projects itself to the world with a cinema full of superficial characters, in the worst sense of the word.

That national cinema reminds me of those tips from the once misnamed “Golden Age” of Mexican cinema when “gods” became politicians in search of badly written scripts, mariachis, rancheras, melodramas, gunshots, rumberas and nonsense destined for simple consumption. . They were superficial works, more like heartbreakers that served as an ointment against the ills that at that time overwhelmed the brother country. And they established an acting personality in the circles of show business. But everything changed after the consolidation of Mario Moreno (Cantinflas). Mexican humorous cinema was able to transform the ego of those demigods into a new proposal, very close to the national identity. The scripts of those Aztec movies where the little circus man with tight pants below the waist was king and master of cinematographic discourse, were inserted into the story. The others don’t. If anything, only names are remembered at a glance.

The opposite happens with the Dominican comedy where its scripts do not quite come together, its protagonists become merchandise that repeat mediocre sandwiches, small-time scenes and chercas typical of bad television. I regret this type of comedy and, in that sense, I do not value “the national product.” There are exceptions, and one of them may be the comedy “Bad Parents” by José Ramón Alamá whose protagonists, Fausto Mata, Frank Perozo, Alexis Díaz de Villegas (Cuba) and Pio La Ditingancia escape the popular question to create characters who know the importance of the change of color and resist the complicity of flat, superficial and vapid scripts, written “for the whole family”.

In “Bad Parents” the script is everything. But in addition, the film continues to grow thanks to its careful photography, the accuracy of its framing, the excellence of the shots, the movement of the camera, the well-placed soundtrack, setting and other technical resources. We are not in the presence of another bungling, but of a cultural way of presenting ourselves to the world as what we are: a country where comedy reigns. Or rather, good comedy. The Dominican will enjoy the good humor with this entertaining story of antiheroes. The Bou Grup company knows how to make movies.

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