The telecommunications market in Portugal has undergone few changes. With the exception of MEO, NOS, Vodafone (and NOWO) in some areas of the country, few operators manage to ‘break’ these ‘sharks’.
More recently, it began to operate in our country with its own structure, but it is still limited to a few municipalities in the western zone. But in 2024 there is the promise of the arrival in our country of a new operator with its own structure: digit.
Digi is the new operator that will arrive in Portugal in 2024
In case you didn’t know, A Digi is an operator “of electronic communications services in Europe, with a history of almost 30 years in the sector, with operations in Romania, Spain and Italy”. And it has stood out for providing fixed internet services with fiber optics and mobile internet at affordable prices.
Next door, in Spain, a 500 Mb speed fiber optic service from Digi is available from €15 per month. A mobile internet service starts at €7 per month with 10 GB of mobile data and unlimited calls.
But it’s when the two things come together that it gets even more interesting. You can have 500 Mbps fiber optics and a 10 GB card and limited calls for €20. Something unthinkable for the Portuguese reality at the time of writing this article.

Digi is licensed to use the 5G network in Portugal
Another interesting topic is that Digi spent 67 million euros on licenses in the ANACOM 5G auction. But in an interview with the newspaper Eco, the CEO of Digi Communications says that the operator will only be available in Portugal at the beginning of 2024.
“Our strategy is modern, high-quality telecommunications services, with the latest technologies and affordable prices”, is a guarantee that Serghei Bulgac leaves to the ecological newspaper. Now what is not known is if the prices will equal those of Spain, if they will be better or worse. But accessibility is a will.
The competition from MEO, NOS and Vodafone will already know that Digi is coming to compete with the “quality-price” factor in Portugal. Will this be enough for the operator to prevail and challenge the competition?