Atlético will send scouts to Brazil

From the mattress team, they are still attentive to several of the highlights of the World Cup

The Atletico Madrid will look for quality signings and in Qatar he has found many interesting possibilities such as juranovic. The Croatia defender and that it has been one of the fixtures of the checkers in the global contest, it is one of the most desirable for the next market.

Let us remember that one of the demarcations that has caused the most trouble for Diego Pablo Simeone is the defense. He only has Nahuel Molina on the right flank and that is where the coach had to improvise to make their headlines in each day. For this reason, it has in its sights a quite interesting cash.

athletic juranovic
El Cholo expects signings for the defense

From Atlético de Madrid they will continue to pay attention to Juranovic’s level

In this way, one of the great targets that have reached the Atlético de Madrid agenda is Juranovic. The Croatian has played all the games in this World Cup in Qatar 2022, and has even been a contribution on offense with an assist against Canada. He has some characteristics that could be key for Cholo.

In that order of ideas, the colchoneros will send some scouts to the match between Brazil and Croatia. It will be one of the most intense of the World Cup quarterfinals and which promises to show the best of itself from several of the pieces of the two teams. If the defender of the checkers has an outstanding performance, he could be signed by the rojiblancos.

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The Croatian full-back could leave Celtic, since competition has come to him

Juranovic, who plays for Celtic, has a long-term contract, but this would not be an impediment for Atlético de Madrid. And it is that for the Croatian defender there would be level competition, so he would consider his immediate departure. The Scotland team has signed Alistair Johnson, so they would give free rein to the departure of the Croatian international.

We will have to wait then for what can happen with this movement. For the moment, he will be one of the signings that Simeone’s men hope to make to shore up the defense and the project that little by little loses strength. One day, they had the best on their side in this demarcation and the idea is to resume that good form.

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