Atlético puts Hermoso up for sale

The Atletico Madrid points out ways in the transfer market, and this summer promises to be moved in the mattress sphere. After the departure of Luis Suárez and Correa’s doubts, the rojiblancos will have to focus on signing a striker, not to mention that it is also possible that De Paul will leave. In addition to these, Beautiful Mario It has also been put up for sale, and the fact is that the Spanish center-back has no place after the arrival of Reinildo to the Wanda Metropolitano team.

The signing of Reinildo has completely disrupted the situation of Mario Hermoso at Atlético de Madrid, and that is that the Mozambican has stripped the former Espanyol of ownership. That is why, as confirmed ‘AS Journal’, Hermoso has been put up for sale and is expected to come out in the coming months. The colchoneros want to make another signing on the defensive side, but Hermoso will have to leave first.

The teams that bid for Mario Hermoso

Mario Hermoso arrived with a very good name and adapted perfectly to the mattress club. He did well both as a central defender and as a left back, but Reinildo ate his toast and the figures of Savic, Giménez and Felipe are above his, which is why he has finally been chosen to leave the Madrid club, which is waiting for offers for him. Atlético could accept an offer of between 30 and 35 million for the Madrid central defender.

The 26-year-old defender has no shortage of girlfriends, because Mario Hermoso is a well-known defender and would fit in behind any great team. In the premier league the Tottenham does not lose sight of him, and Conte would love to have the mattress center-back, while other clubs like the Arsenal or the Everton They would also be very interested in his possible signing. At the moment there is no firm offer and Hermoso will have to wait for his “girlfriends to declare” to start his new sports career.

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