The story of ASPARTAME resembles an episode of The X-Files, produced by Michael Moore, in which lawyers intervene more than doctors or nutritionists.
It dates back to 1965 when James Schlatter, working for GD Searle, Arbitration and Mediation Center of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), looking for an anti-ulcer drug, accidentally tested the dipeptide (a protein structure) that it was developed and recognized its high sweetness, 180 times stronger than sugar. However, several years passed before the company was able to bring it to market.
The main obstacle in the way arose in 1973, when a medical team conducted animal experiments and discovered that the product could cause brain tumors. This caused the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ban the marketing of ASPARTAME. However, on the scene appeared Donald Rumsfeld (the person who invented the invasion of Iraq and also wanted to use Tamiflu against bird flu), who worked for GD Searle and has always moved in the revolving door between private and public. .
The FDA continued to refuse its approval until 1981, when President Reagan took matters into his own hands, firing the FDA commissioner who did not approve ASPARTAME and appointing his and Donald Rumsfeld’s friend Dr. Artur Hull Hayes Jr. appointed as the new FDA commissioner. Commissioner. At that time, the license for the sale of ASPARTAME was approved through political rather than technical procedures.
ASPARTAME or Nutrasweet is a bitter sweet
ASPARTAME consists of three elements: aspartic acid (40%), phenylanaline (50%) and methanol (10%). The first two are amino acids (the same ones found in proteins) and the last is an alcohol that can be toxic if consumed in large quantities
Like Dr. HJ Roberts, author of the book ASPARTAME Disease, an Ignored Epidemic, points out that “at a certain temperature, all of the mentioned components undergo a chemical change and turn into FORNIC ACID, which becomes instantly fatal.” and that affects people with a variety of illnesses that can ultimately lead to death.”
The toxicity of aspartame is often manifested by disorders of the central nervous system and damage to the immune system, and its amino acids are combined with other elements that facilitate assimilation and evacuation. When presented in the form in which they leave the laboratory, waste products accumulate in the intestine (in the form of methanol) and in other cases there is fixation of aspartic acid in the blood plasma, which in turn leads to excitotoxicity, that is, deterioration of neurons leading to diseases such as stroke and neurological and degenerative diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, fibromyalgia, arthritis, chronic fatigue, anxiety disorders, systemic lupus, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression, diabetes, lymphoma or hypothyroidism.
Methanol poisoning results in symptoms similar to multiple sclerosis; and in this way some people have been misdiagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is not a death sentence, but methanol poisoning is.
The case of systemic lupus is almost similar to that of multiple sclerosis and is caused by the consumption of ASPARTAME, especially in people accustomed to diet coca and diet Pepsi, light sodas. There are many people who are addicted to these products and usually drink three to four cans or more per day. These people do not know that ASPARTAME is the culprit and continue their consumption, which can endanger their lives.
Sweeteners that can cause death
These products are sold as sugar substitutes and can cause toxic effects that can be fatal. This is stated in a report circulating on the Internet, and why isn’t it in the press?
Because of the economic interests of large transnational corporations and because governments “turn a blind eye” to comply with trade agreements and only intervene when thousands of people have already died and there is no longer any possibility of “covering the sun with a finger.” Unfortunately, this poison takes a while to kill silently, but as a result, more and more people in the world are dying “softly” and suffering from all sorts of neurological problems.
And although the patent has already expired in the USA, its components are installed in thousands of products around the world. And that’s why business continues. Clearly there are millions and millions of dollars at stake, and the transnational industry isn’t stopping.
ASPARTAME is found in more than 5,000 products and as an additive in more than 150 international brands, “light” products such as diet soda, diet coca and diet Pepsi, sports drinks, chewing gum, coffee, tea, drinks such as Kool-aids, Gelatin, children’s vitamins, antibiotics, desserts, frozen dairy products, yogurt and many other foods
ASPARTAME is the most controversial food additive in history. Recent evidence suggests that this artificial sweetener should never have entered the market, let alone remained in the food chain.
If you and your family want to live longer and better or if someone is suffering from symptoms such as cramps, stabbing pain, numbness in legs, cramps, dizziness, dizziness, diarrhea, headaches, joint pain, depression, anxiety attacks, speech disorder, impotence, etc. B. sexual problems, blurred vision or memory loss, it is necessary that you immediately “tick” all products that contain these components: NUTRA SWEET, SUGAR FREE, EQUAL, SPOONFREE
But if you want “light” products. Sucralose is the only low-calorie sweetener made from sugar. It is used worldwide as an ingredient in processed foods and low-calorie drinks, and as an over-the-counter sweetener in supermarkets and stores. The trade name “Splenda”, although somewhat expensive, is used for mass consumption products such as some light drinks and flavored mineral waters. According to Dr. HJ Roberts of the Palm Beach Medical Research Institute, scientific studies have proven its safety for more than 20 years.
Additionally, there are natural alternatives that are on the market and have also found their way. Some of the most notable include bee honey, molasses, beet sugar, malt, agave honey and fructose. All of these are largely compatible with the body’s chemistry and provide both nutritional and health benefits.
If we can take care of ourselves and our families and take appropriate measures, we will undoubtedly prolong the life of our family group. www.
By Sylvia Ubal