Apple Fitness +: the sports service arrives in Portugal at the end of the year

Apple announced today that its Fitness + sports activities service will expand to 15 more countries. Among those contemplated in this expansion is Portugal, so far outside the countries covered by the service.

In fact, later this year, Apple will expand the area of ​​influence of the Fitness + service. Portugal will be joined by Austria, Brazil, Colombia, Germany, France, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Spain, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates.

Fitness + arrives in Portugal and brings several news

Even without a specific date for its availability, Apple informs that the Fitness + service is about to arrive in Portugal. Something that will materialize at the end of this year.

Fitness +

This sports service will be available with content in English, however, it will be subtitled in six different languages. This will ensure that all users can understand what instructors are urging users to do.

With this expansion, Apple will provide new content for its service in order to attract the interest of more users. In fact, Fitness + will have the Pilates modality as one of its main additions.

This modality aims to enhance the flexibility and strength of users with sessions of 10, 20 or 30 minutes. These will be taught by Marimba Gold-Watts and Darryl Whiting.

Guided meditation will also be added to help users control their emotional state more intelligently. These sessions will be available in video and audio so that you can enjoy their content anywhere.

Fitness + will also feature the addition of group training to boost the competitive spirit. With the help of SharePlay technology, you can gather up to 32 people to increase motivation and competitiveness among participants.

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How to join Fitness + in Portugal

The Apple Watch is an essential accessory for the operation of the Fitness + service. Therefore, if you have a smart watch of the brand, you will find this service in the central tab of the Fitness application of your iPhone.

There you can join Fitness +, benefiting from a 3-month trial period. An offer available to users of an Apple Watch Seris 3 or higher, up to three months after the first activation of the device.

Regarding the monthly fee for the service in Portugal, we still do not have values. However, keep in mind that Fitness + is currently available in the US for $ 9.99 per month or $ 79.99 per year.

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