Anushka Sharma, the famous Hindi film actress, has been away from the world of cinema for a long time. But she Anushka is still very active on social networks. Meanwhile, on January 11, Anushka Sharma celebrates the second birthday of her daughter Vamika Kohli. On the occasion of her daughter’s birthday, the latest image of Anushka Sharma and Vamika has appeared, in which the actress is seen showering love on her daughter.
On her daughter Vamika’s birthday, Anushka Sharma shared the latest photo on her official Instagram account on Wednesday. In this photo you can see that Anushka Sharma is seen kissing and caressing her daughter Vamika’s forehead. This wonderful mother and daughter photo will easily touch your heart. Anushka Sharma has written in the caption of this beautiful photo: My heart opened two years ago.
In this way, Anushka Sharma has made her birthday special by sharing the last photo of her daughter Vamika. The famous singer Neeti Mohan has also wished Vamika a happy birthday in this cute photo of Anushka Sharma. Also, this latest photo of Anushka Sharma and Vamika started going quite viral as soon as it appeared on social media. Fans fiercely like and comment on this image of Anushka.
In the year 2021, on January 11, Anushka Sharma gave birth to Vamika. Since then, Team India’s explosive batsman Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma have implemented a no-photography policy for their daughter Vamika. In such a situation, today Anushka’s daughter Vamika has turned two years old.
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