Ajay Devgan’s most anticipated film ‘Bhola’ was released in theaters on the occasion of Ram Navami. The opening of the film was good but ‘Bhola’ got a scare on the second day of its release. In fact, on Friday, ‘Bhola’ did not have the expected influx of audiences in theaters and its earnings speed was also slow. Let us know here how many crores the film has made at the box office on the second day of its release.
Ajay Devgan’s last released film ‘Drishyam 2’ was a blockbuster. The film performed brilliantly at the box office and surprised everyone by earning over Rs 200 crore at the Indian box office. However, Ajay’s latest release film ‘Bhola’ lagged far behind ‘Drishyam 2’ in terms of opening day earnings. Not just this, this movie is also in the lowest position as compared to the first day collection of all Ajay movies.
At the same time, the figures for the second day of ‘Bhola’ release have also arrived, according to which there has been a huge drop in the film’s earnings this Friday. According to Sacklin’s report, ‘Bhola’ has done a business of only Rs 7 crore at the box office on the second day. After which the film’s total gross has now gone up to Rs 18.20 crore.
These ‘Bhola’ earnings figures are really astonishing because before the release there was a lot of hype about the film and it was said that it would be a huge hit. However, the film’s two-day earnings figures, made on a budget of Rs 125 crore, are extremely disappointing. In such a situation, it is a great challenge for the film to get its cost out. Although the filmmakers are hopeful that there may be a jump in earnings for the film on Saturday and Friday.
‘Bhola’ is the official Hindi remake of South’s super hit movie ‘Kaithi’. The original movie starring Karthi performed brilliantly at the box office. On the other hand, Ajay Devgan has directed it apart from playing the lead role in ‘Bhola’. Apart from Ajay and Tabu, Deepak Dobriyal, Sanjay Mishra, Amala Paul, Gajraj Rao and other actors have acted in the film. The story of ‘Bhola’ revolves around an ex-convict who decides to meet his daughter for the first time after getting out of jail but gets caught between the police and the drug mafia.