AI Revolutionizes Average Retail With Personalized Experiences

The average retail is playing a crucial role in the current panorama, allowing brands to reach consumers at decisive moments in their customer journey, both online and offline. According to Enrique Garcés, responsible for digital transformation, strategy, and business development at Juyro 1961, companies seek a direct relationship with customers to offer purchasing experiences close to excellence. This is achieved by impacting them with perfectly directed information and content, generating value through advertising platforms and networks on B2C and B2B web portals.

Influence on Business Strategies

The influence of average retail on companies’ strategies is significant. For retail companies, it can be an excellent opportunity to strengthen collaboration ties with manufacturers, as average retail allows maximizing the return on advertising investment. By leveraging consumer behavior data, retailers and manufacturers can work together to create personalized and effective campaigns, encouraging a more collaborative approach between industry and distribution.

Online, Offline, or Omnichannel

While average retail offers advantages in the online world, the greatest success can be obtained through omnichannel strategies. Studies show that mixed buyers, who alternate between online and offline purchases, have the greatest growth potential. Customers who buy online often start as clients of physical stores, know the brand, and keep an affinity with it, which encourages them to look for their favorite products, offers, and promotions online.

Importance of AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) will play a fundamental role in the scope of average retail. AI helps brands analyze large volumes of data, identify consumption patterns, and carry out UP-Selling and Cross-Selling strategies, increasing customer loyalty and lifetime value. AI enables more accurate and detailed segmentation of target audiences, allowing brands to focus on specific consumer niches with personalized messages and content.

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Future Goals and Objectives

The main goals and objectives for the future include improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the entire value chain, converting cost centers into benefit opportunities, and improving competitiveness through double sustainability – both economic and environmental. Additionally, there is a focus on unifying customer data to offer a better unified shopping experience.

Future of Average Retail

In the next five years, especially in the great consumption sector, average retail will continue to grow, with online portals and marketplaces optimizing conversion results and manufacturers increasing investments in campaigns. The approach of retail average agencies to the B2B world and Fast Delivery will also be consolidated, with active collaboration between manufacturers, distribution, and agencies being crucial to meeting expectations.

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