Martine Aubry, PS Mayor of Lille (North), was the guest of “8:30 am franceinfo”, Wednesday, September 1, 2021. Afghan refugees, back to school, health pass, president … She answers questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.
Afghan Refugees: “Everyone must do their part”
The municipality of Lille is already home to 58 Afghans who are currently holding their quarantine linked to Covid, says Martine Aubry. she also waits “about forty artists who are currently in seclusion in the Paris region and who have asked to come to Lille”. The mayor of Lille believes she can host “between 100 and 120 people on city hall premises”.
“Everyone must participate” when welcoming Afghans to France, he launches Martine Aubry to his colleagues in other cities. The mayor of Lille asks “a European answer” for “distribute the effort”, this is a “gesture of humanity”, she says.
“Concerned” about the start of the school year
Martine Aubry says to herself “worry” back to school “because the Delta variant is extremely contagious in children” and because going back to school is synonymous with “behaviors like what happened in August-September last year with students” who comes together and “Meeting Families”.
The mayor of Lille would have gone “a little further” than the current health protocol. she poses in private “the question of whether children should not wear the mask in primary school during recess because that’s where children touch”.
Health pass: “It was an obligation, a duty”
Regarding Emmanuel Macron’s decision to configure the health pass, Martine Aubry considers that “It wasn’t brave, it was an obligation, a duty.” “If we don’t want to be vaccinated, we accept that we cannot enter certain places where we run the risk of causing problems for others”, considers the mayor of Lille.
the elected socialist “does not understand the speech” opponents of the pass in the name of freedom. “My freedom is that my son doesn’t get Covid because the parents of the next child didn’t want to be vaccinated, the freedom of some where the freedom of others begins”, she says.
Presidential: Hidalgo “already full” inside the PS
Martine Aubry the “few doubts” on the candidacy for the presidential election of the mayor of Paris and on his nomination as PS candidate. The mayor of Lille believes his Parisian counterpart “already replenished” within the Socialist Party, and that it is necessary “let her work”.
Martine Aubry praises her friend a lot. “I think she is really the person who through her history, her education, her way of working, knows the situation of the French and has a real vision of France today. She showed in Paris. speech to action “, guarantees the elected representative of the North, who underlines “courage and determination” by Anne Hidalgo.
Find the full “8h30 franceinfo” for Wednesday, September 1: