A not really relaxed atmosphere. Mirwais Heidari HaqDoost, host of a political program called Pardaz and broadcast on a private television in Kabul, received Sunday, August 29 a Taliban official. But from the start of the show, the tone was set.
The presenter appeared surrounded by several armed Taliban. In the preamble to the interview, Mirwais Heidari HaqDoost, read a statement written by the Taliban, calling for “to cooperate with them” and “not to be afraid”,
according to Yalda Hakim, a BBC journalist who recently fled Afghanistan. The presenter then interviewed one of the organization’s officials, still surrounded by armed Taliban.
The image contrasts with the “more peaceful” communication of the Islamist organization during their recent press conferences.
On August 17, Tolo TV reporter Beheshta Arghand also interviewed a Taliban official. But she has since told CNN that she fled the country out of “fear of the Taliban”.