28 NGOs, including Wikimedia Europe, Noyb and Bits of Freedom, asked the European Data Protection Board (EDPC) this Friday to oppose it Privacy payment model established by Metathe tech giant behind Facebook and Instagram, in November 2023.
This “pay or accept” model forces users to choose between paying an annual subscription of more than 250 euros that guarantees their privacy or consenting to the tracking of their data for personalized advertising, according to the Austrian NGO Noyb, specialized in Data protection.
While granting consent to tracking is as simple as a click, revoking it is a complicated process that can only be solved through a paid subscription, a practice that Noyb says is viable violates EU data protection regulationswhich requires that withdrawing consent be as easy as giving consent.
Respondent model
The practice of the “pay or accept” model has been questioned by data protection authorities in the Netherlands, Norway and Germany, which have requested a binding opinion from the EDPB, the highest authority on the matter in the European Union.
These 28 NGOs call on the EDPB and all national data protection authorities in Europe to oppose this model in order to avoid major differences in the application of data protection rules. privacy This ensures that fundamental rights do not become a luxury good.
Meta’s adoption of this model and its possible legitimization could pave the way for other companies to adopt similar practices, which could undermine the principle of genuine consent when using Europeans’ personal data, these NGOs say.
Max SchremsFounder of Noyb, has criticized this model, arguing that EU rules require a “free and real choice” in consenting to tracking for personalized advertising.
However, according to Schrems, reality shows that most people have no choice but to accept the exploitation of their data by charging a subscription of several hundred euros for their privacy.